Tables For Jesus

If you’re hungry for fellowship and looking for a place to be more deeply formed with your peers, then come to the table. Tables For Jesus are a space for everyone to join a rhythm of togetherness, shared meals, and shared life!

Steps to Lead a Table For Jesus

We know leading a group can seem like a big step. So we’ve created 3 simple steps to encourage you toward leading others in the way of Jesus.

  • Step 1


    Be developed in Table Group leadership by our pastoral staff and volunteer shepherds.

    SIGN UP HERE for a Training Time with Pastor Jason - July 21st at 5pm

  • STEP 2


    Others will join Table Groups through personal invitation or by visiting our Table Groups webpage.

  • STEP 3


    Table Groups start meeting in homes, one semester at a time.


  • We ask that leaders only commit to 1 semester at a time. When a semester wraps up, leaders and their groups are encouraged to either take a break for or adjust their rhythm as a group.

  • Every new leader will be given a Shepherd who will walk with them individually for the sake of prayer, encouragement, care and development. In addition, leaders are given weekly resources that will help them facilitate their group time.

  • Not at all. Contrary to what most people think, great leaders are not those who know the most, but who are simply open, humble, and hungry for more of Jesus. Leaders will be given or directed towards excellent content to help guide and grow their group.